Personalized Interior Painting in Upper St. Clair, PA
Change the way you think about your living or work space. With interior painting in Upper St. Clair, PA, Roach Brothers Painting gives your place a facelift. We offer both decorative and general painting services. If you have fresh ideas for your rooms, give them a fresh coat of paint! Our experienced painters know the best way to brighten up your rooms.
A new splash of color does wonders to update any area. In fact, it can even uplift your mood or create a calming effect. Allow us to add some personality to your place. From kitchens and bathrooms to bedrooms, living rooms, and work areas, we paint any room you want.
Licensed & Experienced Painters
It takes more than paint and a brush to paint a wall the right way. Instead, experience is a must . . . and we have a lot of it – more than 48 years! From standard wall painting to decorative painting, we do it all. Our customers have come to trust us for customized painting services. Whatever you want, we can accomplish. From walls and ceilings to doors, window frames, and molding, we’ll add color to your interior rooms. Other areas we paint include:
- Walls & Trim
- Cabinetry
- Basements
- Stairs & Risers
- Foyers
- Windows & Doors
- Wall Covering Removal & Installation
To hire Roach Brothers Painting is more affordable than you think. We will save you time and money because we already have the supplies needed to do the job right. We can make wall repairs along with the painting process. From water damage to wall cracks, we can fix them at the same time we freshen up your home.
Make Your House a Home
It’s likely that your home will probably be your biggest investment. But it’s much more than that. It should be an extension of you – the layout, the furnishings, and the wall colors. Even though we cannot help with the first two items, we are truly experts at painting. If you need help determining the right color for your rooms, we’ll lend a hand. In addition, we possess the necessary skills for surface preparation and understand the broad range of painting and coating varieties. Most importantly, we are able to diagnose and solve the unique challenges of every project.